
Showing posts from February, 2025

Lifestyle medicine tips through the decades - Part 1 - Children, teens, 20s and 30s

Decades of Health: A little Guide to Your Life's Roadmap Life isn't just a journey for grown-ups—healthy habits start when you're knee-high to a grasshopper and evolve over time. Whether you're a parent raising a little one, a teen navigating the “those” years, or an adult plotting your health course, it's never too early (or too late) to invest in your wellbeing.  Ask yourself where are you on your timeline and is your health's timeline at the same place, worse or better than it should be for your associated phase of life? So, let's have a gander at the early years, shall we? Child Health – Growing Up with a Smile (0-11 Years) Before the world of responsibilities and "adulting" begins, childhood is all about growth, discovery, play, fun and social interactions. It's like building a health savings account – the more you put in now, the more you'll have to draw on later. What to Focus On : Balanced Nutrition: Encourage a variety of foods to...

My first menopause video: "Vaginal oestrogen products in menopause - a practical guide"

I've now uploaded my first video about the menopause : "Vaginal oestrogen products in menopause - a practical guide". This video is a quick whizz through the commonest vaginal oestrogen products for treating the Genitourinary Syndrome of the Menopause. I explain how to use the products available from your doctor I hope this provides some practical information.

Navigating Hot Flushes: Practical Tips

Menopause can sometimes feel like your thermostat has a mind of its own - suddenly, you're hosting an impromptu tropical party, even if it’s 10°C outside. Understanding the Physiology Behind Flushes Hot flushes occur when your body’s thermoregulatory centre in the hypothalamus - your internal thermostat - gets a little confused due to fluctuating oestrogen levels. Essentially, the drop in oestrogen causes the hypothalamus to mistakenly trigger a cooling response by widening your blood vessels to release heat. This leads to the sudden feeling of warmth, accompanied by sweating and sometimes a flushed face. The range at which you internal thermostat detects “hot” and “cold” also narrows which is why in part you can feel hot one minute and then not too much later, cold. I will address how this interferes with sleep in another post. Hot Flushes vs. Night Sweats While hot flushes and night sweats share similar physiological origins - both stemming from the body’s response to hormonal ch...

Menopausal Symptoms and How to Work Out What Is Actually Going On

Menopause is like that uninvited guest who turns up at your house, throws the cushions on the floor, eats all your snacks, and then just sits there smirking while you try to figure out what’s going on. It brings with it a wide range of possible symptoms, but let’s be honest—sometimes it feels like it brings all of them at once. However, not every weird thing happening to your body is necessarily menopause’s fault (tempting as it is to blame it for everything from missing car keys to sudden road rage). So, how do you tell what’s really going on? Let’s dive in. Understanding the Stages of Menopause (A.K.A. The Joyride Through Hormonal Chaos) The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) defines the different stages of menopause, which is helpful to understand more about the journey you may be on or about to embark on. Premature Menopause:  When menopause crashes the party before the age of 40, often for medical, autoimmune, or genetic reasons. Full medical assessments ...

The Sore Dry Vagina Chronicles 3 – What to Do When Your Love Garden is More Like an Arid Wilderness

So, you’ve had a brief outline in part one of what’s available, but what are the products out there, and how do you actually use them? Firstly —if you think this doesn’t apply to you (you don’t have symptoms or it’s only a little bit), so you want to skip on— STOP! GSM is like a marching band—once it starts, it just keeps marching on, with symptoms getting worse and worse if left untreated. I have honestly had women with bleeding cuts and fissures because they were too embarrassed to seek help. Don’t ignore it—it only gets worse as time moves on! The First Step: Educate Yourself Knowledge is power, and the more you know, the better you can advocate for yourself. Start by reading trustworthy information sources that outline what GSM is, why it happens, and what can be done about it. A couple of really reliable and trustworthy information sheets are here: Vaginal Dryness Factsheet Urogenital Problems Factsheet Talk to Your Partner This isn’t just a you  issue—it affects your relation...

The Sore Dry Vagina Chronicles 2 – Reflecting the Morning (or Two) After the Night Before

  So, how did Valentine's Day go? Are you walking like you’ve been on a horse, or are you much more devastated than that? This is where I am going to get serious… The vagina can be a source of joy, or it can be a wrecking ball on the most stable of relationships - and that’s if you actually have any libido to start with. Couples have split over this, and I have heard the phrase “if only someone had just told me that” more times than I can count. The difficulty in talking about this subject - with partners, friends, or even healthcare professionals - is something I hear about day in, day out. Many women struggle to even raise it in conversation, let alone work up the courage to see a doctor, only to bail and talk about something else once they’re there. Not just that - older women often accept recurrent urinary infections, painful intercourse, or a prolapsed vagina as just part of ageing . But let me be clear: just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s normal, and it absolutely doe...

The Sore Dry Vagina Chronicles 1- Valentine's Day Edition

Right and on we march to my next post- a subject barely talked about - the vagina (well barely talked about in this context- cant speak for banter down the local pub !!)  Today, on this cheeky Valentine’s Day, let’s have a candid chat about the gradual (or sudden) onset of menopausal including that pesky GSM (Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause) – and the treatments available here in the UK.  As it is "that day" where you are either loved up or feeling a bit lonely- let me cheer you up with some all round vagina talk!! (er...yeah not sure that came out a poor choice of words I think I may stop now!!) The Slow March of Menopause Phase 1: The Sneaky Prelude (Perimenopause) Before menopause makes its grand entrance, it tiptoes in with perimenopause. This stage is like a long, unpredictable trailer before the main event. In later posts I will drill down on what this exactly is, how long it lasts, why it can be so hard to recognise (it took me 4 years and I...