Lifestyle medicine tips through the decades - Part 1 - Children, teens, 20s and 30s
Decades of Health: A little Guide to Your Life's Roadmap Life isn't just a journey for grown-ups—healthy habits start when you're knee-high to a grasshopper and evolve over time. Whether you're a parent raising a little one, a teen navigating the “those” years, or an adult plotting your health course, it's never too early (or too late) to invest in your wellbeing. Ask yourself where are you on your timeline and is your health's timeline at the same place, worse or better than it should be for your associated phase of life? So, let's have a gander at the early years, shall we? Child Health – Growing Up with a Smile (0-11 Years) Before the world of responsibilities and "adulting" begins, childhood is all about growth, discovery, play, fun and social interactions. It's like building a health savings account – the more you put in now, the more you'll have to draw on later. What to Focus On : Balanced Nutrition: Encourage a variety of foods to...